Creative Response

Creative Response


Creative Response is an 8-week workshop series that guides participants to create in JOY 

and unsettles the traditional workshop/crit experience to bring in more nourishing forms of response

participants will reckon with their own histories/memories of being inside outdated modes of response (those that call on hierarchy and normativity)

 and move together to co-create experiences that nourish and support the channeling of the specific and unique messages/gifts/works that each one of us came here to give



each week participants will be given prompts and strategies towards their own creating as well as offerings of readings that consider the covert hierarchies embedded in traditional models of workshop/critique to offer different and more expansive methodologies

offerings for readings include texts by Felicia Rose Chavez, Audre Lorde, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Jenny Boully, adrienne maree brown & Toni Morrison, among others

the time participants spend together will be oriented towards remaining as deeply connected as possible to the wisdom of the body and the inseparable connectivity of body/mind/heart/breath/spirit

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